Thanks Darling! Love u lots !! ^^
After our dinner~ She ordered a brownie and we shared~ She even prepared the candle in advance! I didn't expect that coming! haha~
She even sang me a birthday song softly~ keke~
Finish this brownie only took us 5 minutes! =X
Present time~~
Tadah!!! Thanks darling!
The vouchers she gave and in the end i bought more fairy tail's mangas~ yup! Now i am right on track~ kakaka~ Thanks darling for spending my birthday in advance for me!! Let's meet up more often~~ ^3^
Woke up in the morning because i received a call from Zhan, he came to my house and slack. Had brunch at the same time as well~ Took our stuff and off we went to take cab~ Took us less than 5 minutes to hail the cab! Reached the chalet, checked in and LUCKILY we were like 10mins earlier to check in, because when we settled down and came out for WWW, we saw LOTS of people Queue-ing up to check in! Phew.. Anyways, at first i was very pissed because only the 2 of us checked in and I wanted to go WWW, its been a long time since i swam too! So i really wanted to go but he dont want to, i was so pissed that i teared a lil, because everything just don't go well the way i wanted them to be!
But in the end, he knew something was wrong, so we went.. Had fun and Zhan did lots of stupid things also, gutless enough too! =.= , Anyways, finished WWW, we were really hungry, so bought Subway for early dinner~ Waited for Sis to arrive~ After that we wanted to go for riding!! But the shops were closed.. We didn't know what to do so we bought sparkles and we played by the beach!!! ^^
I love them very much!! ^^ My only Brother and Sister! ^^
We were all slacking and played with the sparkles~ Just love the waves and breeze by the beach!! ^^
Zhan let sis played his roller blade~ keke~ Sis didnt play for a very long time~
Teaching her how to blade properly~~ ^^
After that, we went to Cheers~ Bought some Alcohol, cup noodles and snacks!!! ^^
Oh ya, we even bought the so called "Twister" ~
Watched the ghost movie together in the room which was super sucks! At the same time waited for Mary to come~ She came and we slacked together by watching tv together~ Too bad i forgot to take pictures with her!!! =( Miss My laopo so much!!
Anyways, we had some heart to heart talk~ I felt happy that she is willing to share her problems with me~ =) I hope u do too Yobo! ^^
Slept at 4am in the morning i think~ Woke up at 8.40am, because needa collect the food from the BBQ deliveryman~ So went for brunch after that~
Suddenly.. It rained!!!! >.<
We had nowhere to go!! I wanted to go Escape!!! But it rained that i cant go, so we went to arcade to play for about 2 hours! hahaha! By the time the rain stopped, we went back to the chalet. Laopo and Zhan went back! =( How i wish they were there for the BBQ, but i guess its no choice.
My WWW tickets~
The card i wrote for those who came~
In the process of writing~
While i was writing, Mo and his friends came~ I miss this bitch of mine~ keke~ I miss him very much too~ We were thinking what they can do to spend time~ In the end, they played the "Twister" ! LOL! It was so funny! hahaha!
I think the 3 of them did splits ! hahaha !
After awhile later, parents came~ Went out to take the food in to the pit~ Thanks to mo and his friends who were willing to help out too~ ^^
Starting the fire~~ ^^
Fruit Salad from Carol~ It was yummy!!! ^^
hahaha! Just for fun~
Actually i was really upset at this time because my cake was ruined. It was supposed to be pink in color but it turned out to be white or off white. Plus the ribbon came off, and LOTS of crap has been happening.. So i was really upset.. Because i really did look forward to my cake very much!
In the end, the boss aka the shop's pastry chef came down to fix the cake for me and did a refund too. PLUS complimentary pastries!! So what more can i say right? Because she really did look sorry so i just let it go~
I only managed to eat one..
Ya. Its suppose to be pink in color.. sigh..
The happiest moment that everyone sang the birthday song for me! =)
Seriously, its my first time~
Thanks to my family for all the help for this party! Really!
Mum's gang~ keke~
Making a wish~~
Mum and dad gave me a necklace which i loved it a lot~ Dad was expecting me to be more surprised but the thing was, my mum should let me open the present first then i will be surprised! What she did was, she just want to put on the necklace for me.. =.= .. LOL! But still~ Thanks mum and dad for that~
I was struggling to cut the cake! LOL! But in the end, thanks to Carol for helping me to cut the cake~ Thanks Babe~
It was too tight, that explains that expression! LOL!! But mum already changed the length of the necklace for me~ So i am wearing it right now~ keke~
Me and my bitch~ Hugged him tightly before he leave~ keke~ Thanks for coming and the help bitch~ =)
My presents~

Black Heart from Sherline darling~ Thanks darling!! ^^
Card from Sherline~ ^^
Card from Hweeyi~
The necklace that mum and dad gave~ Lovely right? Its real diamond with white gold necklace~
My first branded stuff!! i was 0.0 when i opened the present! hahaha! Thanks to Maymay and Judy auntie~
Calendar from Elynn~ Thanks babe for the calendar~ I was touched~ ^^
Thanks for those who came and celebrated my birthday for me~
Stayed overnight with sis and viv, felt bad that sis didn't go and have fun with her friends because she dont wanna left me alone in the chalet. Thanks sis!!! Love ya!! ^^ Oh ya~ Thanks to Wanying and Jan for coming too! The cushion yall gave was so comfy !! My dogs keep snatching away from me!! =.= But don't worry! Its still in one piece!! LOL!!
Met laopo for awhile, passed her things and we cabbed home together~ I was soooo tired!! I cant believe i have work tomorrow! I wanna rest more!!!
Went to Jurong point to buy some mangas, came home and slacked till now.. I am sooo tired, gonna turn in soon!! Thats all now~ Night people!