As usual, we woke up at about 9am to 10am~ We slacked our morning, prepared ourselves to go for HOT SPRING!! =D
Too bad, Chin didn't manage to go because her monthly period decided to visit her on that day.. =( How i wish she could join us but oh well, we can't control nature calls ya?
So laopo and I headed out to Xinbeitou~ From Ximen station change to Red Line, and go all the way up to Beitou and change train to XinBeiTou~
There are 4 types of themes in the train, so cute!! =) But one thing for sure was, the train was moving FREAKING SLOW! =.= I wonder why..
And yes, we have no idea what to eat, so we ate MAC! Had our Brunch and headed out to Xinbeitou~ Unexpectedly, we didn't lost our day~~ Because its kinda easy to find it as there was a map at the station to guide you, so it wasn't that difficult to find our way out at all~~ =)
The weather starting to get hot on that day onwards, so when we headed in and found Thermal Valley, it was soo hot!! >.<
Its about 2 bucks in SGD.. No pictures are supposed to be taken inside, but ya know me.. I GOTTA TAKE A PICTURE !! =X
So i taught laopo how to, i would cover her and pretend that i was on the phone, waiting.. And wait for our chance to snap it!~

I would say the experience was good~ It was really good dipping ourselves in a hot spring outdoor~ And when a fat girl like me wore a bikini, i would expect weird looks from people or something.. But NO! Thank god! No one looked at all~~ heh~
We only managed to dip ourselves in the lowest temperature hot spring which was 35 to 38 degrees, higher than that, i would become roast pig i suppose.. =X And i dont dare to.. After 15 minutes of dipping ourselves, we went to the COLD spring!
Let me tell you, ITS SO COLD!!!! DAMNNN... All i did was, dip my lower body in, but above my stomach, i couldnt do it!! SO COLD! =.=
So after a while, we were done and clean ourselves, we smelled like sulphur! Strong smell! smelly! Yes, i know, we only had 30 minutes of it, but it was enough because you are not suppose to dip yourself in the hot spring for too long if not, you will faint..
Dried ourselves and wanted to head to Wufenpu to meet Wan Chin, BUT Laopo saw this Hot Spring Museum and said that she wants to visit~ So we did! I am glad we did! The buildings was so beautiful! =)

So we headed to Wufenpu, took us like 35 to 40 minutes to reach there~ Met up with Chin~
As you can see, we were starting to adapt the environment and knows our way, taking the MRT and such~ Not the bus though, we only took the bus one time..
So we found our way in to Wufenpu~
People, if you want to go to Wufenpu, give yourself 5 hours and above to shop, because its about 5 times bigger than Singapore's BUGIS STREET!
The street will have Bikes and even LORRY vehicle in the streets anytime.. So be careful~
And yes, my dear laopo and wan chin bought LOTS of stuff!! My bag was soooooo heavy because of the wet clothes and towels..
Plus, i helped laopo to carry her stuff because it was so heavy that her hand was hurting.. So i offered my help, i didnt manage to buy any clothes on that day, because i was too tired to choose, oh.. I only did manage buy clothes for Sis and Mum, some necklaces only~
We shopped till about 10pm, and we went back to our minsu~
Was so hungry, didn't know what to eat, met up with Maggie one last time because she wanted to meet me, passed me some gifts and left~ Thanks Maggie so much for the gift~~
Bought dinner~ Only managed to buy Oyster Omelette with Cup noodles~ YUMMS!! =)
Watched TV show with Laopo till late night, we laughed our ass off talking craps and such~ keke~ Fun times!
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