Yes, its a fucking busy week for me, its like Marathon?? Keep going for appointments next after another.. So been out of the office for 3 days, only managed to stay in the office for like 1 hour or so and poof, i am out again.. =.=
I am getting drained !! Seriously! I am not joking! Its as if this job is draining my energy bit by bit and wants the last piece of me! I am getting sick and tired of it already!! GEEZ!
I shall end my rants here.. So anyways, met up with Seng at Tanjong Pagar MRT station right after i finished my appointment, since i was heading back to the office to put my things down AND have my super late lunch!
I managed to finish my work on time and off i went for my lunch, after that Seng said that he wanted to get a haircut! Which I HAD to go with him.. Waited for like 25 minutes~
Headed to his house, waiting for him to get done.. Headed down to Far East by cab to meet up with FAMILIGIA! =) Of course, not all were there but still~ I am happy! =)
Walked around in Far East, i wanted to shop BUT in the end, i didn't manage to get the stuff that i want.. So.. off we went for early dinner~ Decided to head down to Cash Studio because we didnt feel like shopping~ Just feel like doing something together~ Its more like a Gathering mood for us rather than shopping mood~ So off we went~

Sang for a while and Mo reached!! I missed him SOOOO MUCH!! I literally jumped up and hugged him like one kind! =X Maybe he got annoyed~ BUT i dont care! I miss him soooo much!! =)
And so we sang and sang .. and sang.. =X
My voice was doing good last night, i hope.. But erm, yea, i managed to hit high note which i dont usually do.. But yea~ But then again.. Cash Studio's sound system isnt that good..but its consider affordable than K Box..
Thank you Seng for the treat! He treated us for the singing session~ =) Generous guy as always.. Gotta treat him for dinner again ! hahaha!!
After the crazy singing session, we all headed home~ Cabbed home because i was too tired to take any train or bus..
Love the gathering and while we were having our dinner, we talked bout going to Taiwan next year, hoping that we REALLY can make it next year..
Because i seriously wanna go back again! I miss Taiwan very damn much!!
Even if Familigia can't make it, i am still gonna make it, like i said, i WILL go back to Taiwan either this end of year or next year~ So yea~ =)
Gonna go to work tomorrow again.. night peeps..
I admit that i miss him very much.. The more i wait, the more disheartened i get.. sigh..
Yes! As you can see from the title, i have been very stress ever since i came back from Taiwan. All that work load just kills me! All the invisible stress from Stephanie.. We did have a talk session on Saturday. Was telling me that I have problems with managing my work etc etc..
Same thing that any boss would say wherever you go.. I wanted to give up so badly because I am sick and tired of facing different kinds of people who are so irritating and stuck up! No matter which country you come from!
Its giving me all these negative thinking already!
Just when i wanna give up, there's always this small voice inside my head telling me that i shouldn't give up! I just hang on for awhile more and see what happens..
So i am gonna just hang on and see how it goes.. Let the nature take its course, i'll deal with it once the situation is here looking for me..
As I was being stress and upset bout what Steph was talking to me about it, i just thought of going out to have some fun.. Didn't manage to meet up Anx and her gang up on Saturday for that clubbing session @ butterfac though, but last night.. Jazz suddenly msn me and asked if i wanna join her ~ I said okay~
First time thinking that my eyes are big enough for not putting fake lashes~ Okay its not really BIG but bigger than usual~ I had a hard time putting my contact lens! =.= Tried a different style to club last night~ Like Korean hip hop style? But of course, i still maintain that girl's look on me~ I hope its successful~
Before meeting up with Jazz, i had dinner with Sherline @ Tampines~
Its been quite some time since we last met, we both took out some time to meet up for a simple dinner~
Had our dinner @ NYDC~ YUMMS~ =) The last time i ate was like 3 years ago, the food still taste good~ =)
I had a great time hanging out with her even its just a simple dinner~ =) Headed down to pick mum up from Airport ~ She just came back from Haikou, she had no idea that i went to pick her up~ hehe~ Gave her a surprise!
Reached home at bout 11.30pm, rushed myself to get ready and waited for Jazz to come pick me up by cab~
We went to Club Trustz, Its near at Concorde Hotel~ Its NOT my first time to a Thai pub/club , but its my FIRST TIME going to a Male Host Thai Club!
This was when they were having their "Catwalk" ~ My only picture in the club because we are not allowed to take pictures? Well, because while i was taking this picture, the bouncer in the club just told me not to.. So i assume that we are not suppose to take any picture with any of the male hosts as well~
So anyways, its a very crazy experience for me in my entire life! Thinking of it now just made me embarrassed or should i say shy? I was freaked out at the beginning!
Okay, this was how it happened..
We went in, Jazz ordered a beer tower, Mamasan (Jessica) and Papasan came to us to greet Jazz, we introduced ourselves and Mamasan keeps asking me if i like big guys, she will introduce them to me, at first, i thought she was just joking bout it!! Because never did i know that i was in a Male host club!
But she kept insist on it ! About 5 minutes later, she went off and came again with a ROW of guys! About 7 of them!! Standing right in front of me! Asking me to pick one to entertain myself! I was like (0.0!!!!) I panicked ! I did! I was shaking both inside and outside! Even though i was smiling and laughing away but if there were lights on my face, you can see that my face went RED!
So after bout 5 minutes of hesitant, i had to choose one, and i did..
A guy with a hat, at first, i just thought that i liked his hat.. I didn't really notice how good looking he was.. But according to the height and how he present himself just made me choose him..
Immediately, he sat right next to me, introduced himself and so did i, it was AWKWARD ! I was quiet, pretending to enjoy the music.. He knew that i was shy and cold.. So he warmed up the atmosphere by playing games, drinking games.. I drank a lot as well.. I had fun~
Slowly, we just started chatting and laughing away~ =) Felt like a close friend, and no.. They are not gigolo because they dont sell themselves, they just entertain you by keeping you accompany by drinking and chatting with you~
Well, to me, compared to the other male hosts i see so far, he is really thoughtful, knowing that it was my first time and trying to keep me accompany~ Oh! I forgot to mentioned.. He is a Thai BUT with UK Accent!! =)
I never had such a close skinship with a guy before! Except for my dad who used to carry me when i was little? =X
But to my surprise was i didn't feel uncomfortable ! Just felt shy and didn't know what to do! When i mentioned close skinship means, we sat REALLY close together! And of course we had to talk really close because it was really loud.
We had this lil conversation that i had a very deep impression on him
Him : I am drunk...
Me : No, you are not! Liar, you look fine!
Him : No.. I am not, how do u know that i am not drunk?
Me : Well, i can tell.. And you are not..
Him : No one can ever tell whether i am drunk or not.. Do you know why?
Me : Why?
Him : Because I am drunk on the inside..
Me : ohh... okay...
Us : Burst into laughter..
Well, i dont know about what you guys think, but all i know was, its exactly how i feel..
He asked if i can take alcohol well, i told him that it depends on my mood, if i am upset.. I can get drunk pretty easily because i wanna be drunk just to forget everything.. but if i am happy , i can drink like no tomorrow and all i did was vomit, after vomiting, i can continue to drink again!
While sitting and chill out, there were so much thoughts running through my mind, too much to list out.. But i can tell you, its unhappy ones.
Well, one thing for sure, i like this guy! Don't take it the wrong way ! Just simple liking ~ Just wanna be friends.. Get to know more~ =)
I know people have this impression of women going to male host clubs can make them look bad, but if you are in their shoes, then yall will understand~
For me, its that emptiness in my heart eats me up.. I like this club because it makes me feel like that you can enjoy that limited time of happiness without any troubles! Just that lil enjoyment satisfy me from all that suffering feelings from reality.. Be it work life or Love life.. Nothing went well in these, so just that short hours of clubbing made me happy!
I like that guy a lot and hoping to see him again~ =) Till now i am still blushing..
By the way, if you wanna know how he looks like, just find a guy with a hat on the above picture! haha! Till then !
The last day didn't consist of any much of details because we didn't have much time to go to "Long Shan Temple" As we planned to. Just want to show how you can find the minsu that i stayed in if you are interested in staying there~

Its very near to this place~ Its in between this comics shop AND a shop that sells clothes~
See that lift? That's the lift to go up~ haha! From the MRT station to this place is less than 5 minutes. So its very convenient ~
So as i was saying, we didn't have much time during the last day, so we thought of shopping at Ximending at the very last day, we didn't really get to shop around that area. So we thought we might give it a try~
Before we do that, we woke up like 10am in the morning, i was the last one to wake up~ Packed our stuff, prepared ourselves to check out and went out for shopping.. I was lying on the bed, feeling all emotional.. Norman came in and asked us to check out. I was rolling on the bed saying that i dont wanna go back! I wanna stay here!! =X And Norman said i was crazy! LOL!
Yeah.. Recalling back now, really made me wanna stay so badly!
So anyways, we checked out, placed our luggage into the big cabinet in the "living room" ~ Off we went to Ximending. And its a Monday, while i was buying a cap, i asked the staff if what time does all the shops open? He said, the latest is about 12pm.. So we were like, okay.. Lets just walk around.. I forgot what we had for our breakfast that day.. =X KFC or MAC?
The weather was kinda hot on that day BUT its not as worse as Singapore's weather.. We shopped around and we happen to walk pass ColdStone which was very near to the train station, and near to our place but we didn't get the chance to try it~
Totally YUMMY!! =)
After our ice cream, we went to shop a while more~ And yes! I manage to buy My shoes!! =) Was sooo happy! Because i didn't to buy any shoes the past 6 days! I was starting to get worried!
keke~ After buying so many things as usual~ We went back to Minsu and waited for our van to be here to pick us up~
Us and Norman! =)
We were sitting at the "Living room" and was waiting for the time to pass, chatted with Norman~ Had a great time! Finally, the Van came.. We had to go~ Said goodbyes and headed to the airport..
We drove pass the sea~ Last beautiful scene before we go back~ We even went under the mountain tunnel that was the longest tunnel in Taiwan~ That's what Laopo was talking about if you managed to catch what she said in the past videos~
Reached the airport, waiting to check in our bags, i was STARVING!
Our last meal was in the morning and by the time we checked in is about 5.30pm?
Waiting to check in..
I know i was smiling in the picture but i was feeling upset! I don't want to leave at all!! =(
Anyways, we had our late lunch early dinner at the airport.. The food was still okay, if you realized, i didnt take any pictures because i was moodless~
Boarded the plane unwillingly and we had so much fun in the plane eh? Laopo? LOL!! Chin saw stars while we were flying~ I saw it too! Beautiful!! My first flight in the night!! I LOVE IT! =)
We even saw lightning too! Reached Singapore, was happy to see my whole family to come and pick me up~ I didn't expect that coming~
This was the hat that i bought for my mum, and my instincts was correct! She LOVE that hat soo much!! =X Phew... Because i looked for this hat that she wanted for 2 days! I didn't know what kind of hat she wanted, so i showed my sister the link that Bom was wearing in 2NE1 TV~
Mum said she liked it~ So at least i had a guide of which hat to buy~ =)
Reached home, i didn't have that energy to unpack my stuff.. So i waited till next day~ To show you guys what i bought~
TADAH!! This is what i bought for myself~ There's more but its presents~ I won't enclose the pictures here because i wanna keep it a surprise for them~
I bought about 7 to 8 tops, and 5 pants~ 3 caps! CUTE CAPS! 2 Pairs of shoes~ (Pink and black~~) , 3 bags, 4 boxes of masks (My secret Diary~) , 5 necklaces ~ , That's about all? of course some snacks from Taiwan, my dad is eating them up.. Mainly its for dad, so it doesn't really matter~
Close up of my cute necklaces~~ =)
The masks~~
Okay, as i mentioned in the previous post, why did i say that i felt lucky wherever we go?
- Went to Ah Tiong Mian Sian, when we Q up, there wasnt anyone in front of us~ After we sat down and ate it, LOTS of people started Q-ing up~
- Q-ing up for Taipei 101, we were the first 3 ~ a while later, people started to Q up behind us~
- Bought our Ferris Wheel tickets, was Q-ing up, we were the first 3 again~ Few minutes later, LOTS of people Q-ing up behind us as well!
- On the last day, we were bout to go back to Singapore, that day was the day that Taiwan was going to have Typhoon!
- At Coldstone, we were the first 3 to Q-up again, after we finish buying ~ people started to Q-up as well~~
See!! It might be a coincidence or whatsoever~ BUT after all these occasions happened, i felt like we were really lucky ! Plus, i felt happy that i changed from Rainbow Hotel to Jogging Bear minsu! Because we had so much fun during our stay! =)
Alright, this is my last post of my Taiwan Trip~ I hope you guys had fun reading it and brought information to you ~ I DO wanna go again, might visit again next year during April or something~ =) Okay~ That's all now! Till next time!
This was the day that we SLACKED THE MOST during our trip!
Maybe because we were too tired or simply lazy. But i gotta say, we did feel that it was a SUNDAY, so maybe that Sunday mood just got into us to turn out to be so slacked.. =X
Anyways, just to show some more cute pictures from the place i stayed~~ =)

The place even have a washing machine and a dryer to dry your clothes~ Washing of clothes is free but drying of clothes, all you need is NT 30 for 30 minutes of time to dry your clothes~
Chin and I dumped our clothes in the dryer to dry and it took approx 1 hour to dry, maybe because we have too many clothes.. So it didn't get dry enough for the first round~
Its useful aint it? So you can travel with a luggage almost empty and go home with a FULL luggage without worrying anything at all~ =)
So anyways, we went out on that morning to see if we can get anything to eat at ximending, but well, we decided to eat KFC because, laopo can't eat anything other than that PLUS I have no idea what to eat..
Because Ximending don't open their business early, and because we were too lazy to climb up the stairs to dine in KFC, we just bought it and had it in our minsu~
See how quiet it is~
so after our brunch, we had no idea where to go, and i suggested that we go back to Wufenpu again because the shopping the day before didn't satisfy me! I wanna shop till i drop!! =X
Well, because i don't usually shop in Singapore, due to the cost of it and i don't enjoy shopping in Singapore which i have no idea why!
On the way to Wufenpu~ If you see this place, means you are near~
Look almost like bugis street but nope.. Wufenpu is sooooo much bigger than Bugis! And ladies who are going to visit Wufenpu, don't go on a Wednesday, because its their Stock up day. They won't entertain you at all~~
I forgot if its a Monday or a Wednesday..Hmm, i heard initially it was Monday but changed to Wednesday. Okay, i am not sure, just check before you visit ~

We walked pass this dog and it was giving me "Da Look" ! HAHA! What a dog! keke~
Yes! I managed to shop a lot! We shopped about 3 hours, we headed back to minsu because too many stuff to carry.. Its getting heavier! =X

Headed back and wait till the time ticks 7 pm~ If i remember correctly, we reached minsu at about 5 pm~ Was watching TV and such, waited till the day turns dark~
My lunch was bought here, because the place we stayed is super near to this place and i see magazines introduced this place~ so might as well gave it a try~
There's my lunch~ Well, it's kinda oily for the soup base, 1 small piece of duck meat, the bee hoon was rough, not as smooth as we eat in Singapore, they serve small portion of it.
BUT the soup was really tasty, i mean it got both the yummy smell AND the taste.. Because if you realize, some soup, they don't taste as good as you smell~ BUT this, is different!
I wonder if my stomach shrunk during that period, but i find it so amazing that, every time they served me small portion of the food. I really doubt that I can be satisfied! But i was wrong! I was so full!
So people, you should try this~ Its only NT 50 per bowl~
So we waited till the day turns dark~ Headed down to Mirarmar !! =)
I didn't know that it was so easy to find our way there~~
Because you can freaking SEE that ferris wheel when you reached the MRT station! HAHA!
The MRT station is at Jian Nan Road~ Brown line~
Mirarmar Shopping mall~ Well, it felt just like one of the shopping malls in Orchard? so yea, didn't get to shop anything~
Beautiful isnt it?! I have always wanted to have REAL CLOSE UP on the ferris wheel and i DID!!
Been wanting to take pretty pictures of it and i hope i did~ =)
I've got to say that we were always soo lucky during this whole trip..
Why you asked? I will explain why during the last post.. Just so amazing and how lucky we felt! keke~ Will update in the next post so just WAIT FOR IT~~ =D
Our Tickets!! Its only NT 400 ~ Its about 17 bucks in SGD~
I love those lights behind me!
Of course, the view from the ferris wheel and Taipei 101 are totally different~
But both provides great view~~ Its my FIRST TIME on a BIG Ferris Wheel~ So i was enjoying it and loving it! It was a great experience~ I wanna go again! =D
So after the ride, i was hungry! Yes, i know.. Like again? BUT i've got reasons for that, my period was going to visit me, so thats one of the symptoms that will hint me that its coming! So i get hungry easily!
Found this place, and went in.. Because we have no idea where else to dine in~
Waiting for our food~
Okay, first thing first, this restaurant provides good food, CHEAP prices and sucky attitude from the service staff!
I heard from my colleague when i came back, she told me that this restaurant was famous because of their food that they sell are cheap! It was so worth it going there but like i said the attitude wasn't so good.. So its up to you if you wanna visit this place~
See how beautiful the light of the ferris wheel is~ You can see more pictures at my facebook~ =)
I took this picture because, the fountain is really special! Its above our head~ =)
The outside of the mall~
So after that, we went back to our place and rest for the next day~
I was upset because we gotta go back home the next day, and i got attached to this place so much that i dont wanna go! =( But anyways, shall update the next post later or tomorrow! =)