Was kinda excited bout the trip and plus i seriously couldn't sleep nowadays.. Yeah.. I dont really go to sleep, Its like i am trying to force myself to sleep but i just can't. Sigh.. So i slept for like 2 hours and woke up to get myself ready~
Ate breakfast and bus-ed down to custom and bla bla bla.. Skip those parts..
My sister used to sit on this when she was REALLY YOUNG! I was like.. OMG! So cute!!
I wasnt feeling well since last night, been running to toilet for 3 times last night and i thought it will be fine by today.. In the end!!! IT CAME!!
Luckily mum asked the driver to stop by the petrol station for toilet break and i seriously couldnt take it anymore.. I even went to the gents to use the toilet.. Because Too many people q-ing for the ladies.. Because they only have ONE CUBICLE! HOW PATHETIC IS THAT?!?!
And soo.. ya.. My face went pale.. I thought i will fine after some time.. In the end, it still came.. When we reached the first temple.. I rushed to the toilet STRAIGHT AWAY! So damn far away from the place where we stopped.. GEEZ! But okay, i felt better..
I found out that their toilets are like Kampong style.. Whatever you dispose.. It will go to the underground.. So ya.. So its kinda disgusting.. But what to do.. Its kinda like Country style..
I know i am a city person, BUT when it comes to traveling, i dont like show that i AM a city person.. Because i wanna be like them whenever i go to any country.. Its like you are one of them~ And thats how you experience traveling, by knowing their culture and tradition~ So it will be fun~ I simply LOVE traveling ~
Hopped on the bus and went to our next destination~ The second temple we went to, was quite commercial..
Actually the temples that we visited today, i went before.. So, its not like something new to me.. But i didnt explore much the last time~ So i tried to walk around more and trying to find something new~
Everyone was quite soft.. Until i went to rub against it.. It got so loud and the water kinda.. Spilled out? So they say i will be very lucky with money.. but i was like.. Really? Because i am not really lucky or doing good this year..
But i think its all bout the technique of it~ Some of us even bought 1 roof tile , to let them build their temple.. One tile for 10RM, Sis and I shared one~ Hope they get their temple smoothly!
After the visit at the second temple.. Some of us gathered to have a small durian session! LOL!
BUT! It doesnt taste good.. Shall not mention which restaurant, later i get sue by them! =x
Went to the third temple, but its a buddhist temple. So yeah, I prayed really hard and sincerely.. Shall not mention how was i feeling the moment i stepped in when i was saw Thousand hands Buddha.. I will blog at my chinese blog.. Its kinda emotional.. So i shall not mention here~
I really hope what i wish for will cone true..
Went for dinner after that, then, it came!! But i didnt wanna dispose anything. Its like WIND in my gastric.. Terrible feeling as well.. I couldnt eat well too.. Even though food was better than the lunch~
I felt better afterwards..
Headed to Giant Jusco and we only have one hour and thirty mins to shop.. Its like wth?! How short is that?!
So we were like having amazing race or something! Sis and i were like looking out for pet shops.. In the end, we couldnt find anything!! I was so disappointed because there was really nothing for me to buy! I got a eyeliner at Watson when we stopped by.. Later on, i suggested that we go to supermarket to check it out, maybe they will sell some tidbits.. And Bullseye! They have it!!! Its cheap!! Cheaper than Singapore!! I spent about 66 RM..
Last minute went to Harris bookstore.. The bookstore is freaking big!!! The time was getting nearer and nearer.. We rushed back to the meeting point but sis wanted to go Mango to take a look.. So we hurried. Bought one top from there and saw mum and mei ai.. Mum was like nagging away, saying people are waiting for us in the bus.. I was like complaining away! Come on! This is my very first time shopping feels like having a marathon instead!! She knew how i was feeling, so she just kept quiet..
Overall, i was satisfied, Because i got what i wanted~
Bid goodbye to them and went home~
Babies knew that i brought presents home for them!! See how clever they are!! They were like waiting for us to feed them!! LOL!
I was worried because Cherie puked again and they didnt touch their food and water.. I guess they are just waiting for us to get home.. After i fed them some tidbits, they finally ate and now, they are sound asleep! keke~
I was so happy to see them enjoying themselves when i was feeding them~ I felt so satisfied!
Alright~ Thats all now~ gonna update my babies' blog now~ ciaossu!
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