Before I start blogging bout my Halloween this year, posted up a picture of 2NE1. They just released "Go Away" Japanese Version PV~ Its awesome!! check that out! Loved their outfits and the scene where Bom was taking her bubble bath~~ lol~~ So sexay~!! =P
So anyways, talking bout Halloween~
It's my first time celebrating Halloween because sis was telling me how fun it was last year's halloween..
And she has been asking me to join her since the start of October..
I have never got the chance to celebrate halloween ever or rather I wasn't that much interested in halloween.. Its just another day that people go around and do cosplay? haha~
So i thought why not giving it a try this year? haha~
I didn't get to dress up because I have no idea of what to dress up as, so i dressed up as normal and sis lent me her bunny ears to wear ~
Sis decided to dress up as puppet! =D
SCARY right? I mean its like REALLY Creepy! =X
LOL! What a face!!

Vincent dressed up as normal but with a pair of cat ears BUT look like cow ears though. =X
Took cab to Powerhouse, Q-up, walked to our table.. We had some issues but it was all solved..
And we saw this..
LOL!! So cool!!! Sis went up to ask for a picture! And he was so popular !
People who went pass him would want to get a picture with him.. hahaha!
Whats amazing is, we even saw a guy dressed up as "Zhong Kui" ! Its actually a God who catches ghosts BUT its a chinese god.. so its kinda weird.. If you wanna know how zhong Kui looked like, you can just google it..
Vincent came up to us out of nowhere with this mask and scared sis with it! HAHA!
It was from his friend I believe.. cool eh? keke~
Drinking and Dancing time!!
And of course, Camwhoring~ ^^
On our way to Boiler from Powerhouse and ask them for a picture~~

Who do you call? GHOST BUSTERS!!
If you realized, the picture above was him half faced, he came in out of nowhere while we were taking a picture!
The rest of the pictures were taken at Boiler~
Had fun dancing around and watching live band with GREAT Singers & Dancers! ^^

I won't say that i had a blast but i had fun~ ^^
Didn't get to drink much but finally i get to dance ~~ its been a long time since i am on a dance floor~ But at bout 3am, I was feeling REALLY shagged..
So we decided to head home after that~~
All i know was, Zhan was disturbing those guys who were on mask for the whole time!
We even saw guys dressed up as egyptian and it was hilarious!
Oh well~ That's it for my Halloween~ ^^ Till next time !!
Had a great day during my weekend~
After work on Friday, met up with Hwee Yi and headed to Far East~
Oh yes, Its PAY DAY for me~~ So I FINALLY be able to get my shoes! I don't have many shoes and in fact I only have one pair of shoes that's suitable for work.. And because of the heavy rain EVERYDAY, my shoes is officially gone case.. T.T
So I HAD to get a new pair of shoes for work..
We had a great dinner at Far East and shopped for shoes after that, I managed to get 2 pair of shoes~ ^^
I am glad we managed to catch up~ Its been 3 months since we last met~ ^^ Hope she enjoy her trip next month to Taiwan for 2 days~
Headed to town again on Saturday, Intially i didnt want to go out because i was kinda lazy, I didnt even pick up my hoodie at my previous office.. T.T
So anyways, brought my laptop for maintainence.. And... I hope it doesn't cost too much because its the hardware problem and that is why i can't even on it.. Oh well.. If it cost quite some cash, then i gotta collect it till next month..
I am kinda broke for this month, gotta start saving like hell.. So yea..
Went to Takashimaya~ I bought Korean Chicken cutlet and rice cakes~ YUMMY! I was so hungry that i forgot to take a picture of it!
Vincent even bought the Sapporo petit pancakes or something, it wasn't fantastic but its still taste okay for me~~
We headed to Heeren after that because they wanted to get slippers ~ And while we were on the streets, we saw bubbles all around on the street, and this random guy just appeared..
Told us that it was for the Guiness World record that they need people to participate and blow bubbles on the street~
We find it interesting and we did~ ^^

I kinda like this shot~

I find it fun though~ ^^

Camwhore in the toilet of Heeren~
They got their slippers at Heeren, we headed to Plaza Sing because Sis wanna get her props for Halloween night and I am kinda hesistant bout dressing up and I might not dress up though.
Because I have no idea of what to dress up as.. T.T Its my first time celebrating Halloween!
Anyways, after what I got from Comics connection, headed to Spotlight...
Its my first time at Spotlight and I realise how much they actually have!! Its big and so much stuff they have to offer!
We were hungry and its time for dinner~
While walking out from Spotlight, we saw this restaurant but furniture looking shop..
The ambience and design of the restaurant attracted me , so we decided to go in for dinner~

Aint it nice?
The waiters and waitress are quite friendly too.. Just one lady who acted like we owe her $$ ?
Was hoping that the food don't be disappointing and it didn't ~
It was quite good~ I won't say its very good but still its not bad~ ^^
Sis' order~
Mine~ Laksa Pasta, hey, its quite good! ^^
Vincent's order~ Gotta love that beef !! Its really chewy and yummy~
Went to Seimon-cho and Sis bought this for me~

Sis found it and said that i would go crazy for it, at first i didn't know what she was talking bout.
And when she showed me, i went "GASP! OMG!!!"
Yep, my reaction was kinda over, but hey, its normal for me to react this way because I don't see people selling Tarepanda's stuff! Its like literally EXTINCT!
Its so damn cute!!! =X
Sis bought this for me~ thanks sis~~~ ^^
So after some shopping, we headed home~
I enjoyed my day and feels like my life is right back on track, hopefully it stays this way and everything goes smoothly for our trip to Taiwan~
Oh, I forgot to mention that~
We bought tickets to Taiwan for next year May!! ^^ I was so happy!!
Travellers will be Me, Mary (Laopo) , Sis and Vincent~ Like 2 couples right?? hehe~~ Luckily Mary is joining, if not i will feel like lightbulb, I know i am kinda used to it but ya know..
I am so looking forward to it and HOPEFULLY TIGER DON'T Let us down..
Even though we have heard so many bad reviews bout Tiger but still gave it a try..
We give every airline a chance.. So hopefully..
That's all for now~ Till next time!! ^^
Hey peeps! Its been a week now and here I am~
Started on Tuesday instead of Monday..
When i headed out for work, it was a windy and sunny morning.. Beautiful morning i would say, until i took the bus, on the way to the office building.. It started to RAIN! HEAVY RAIN!!
I had to stand at the bus stop for like 40 minutes and decided to run for it! I was DRENCHED! I thought i was late or something, in the end, they came in the office like 9.30am? So i stood outside of the office like 30 minutes..
My working space~
Spacious eh? ^^
Work was quite okay so far, very slack i would say because i am still new.. Maybe i will get busy from next week onwards? Hope i am energetic enough to learn new stuff and work~
The working environment is quite good for now.. Just hope that i get to stay longer in this job~ At least 1 year! =.=
Now i've got a job, there are so much stuff that i need to get!
First off, i have to pay off my bills..
Things that i have to get :
- Shoes
- Slippers
- Bring Laptop to repair.
- Watch
- Hamster Cage!
- Mangas
Etc.. I cant really think of any of it now.. T.T
Hopefully i have enough cash to get those AND to treat people for dinner.. Good luck to me!
That's all for now~ Will blog ASAP~ ^^

Yes people! I am addicted to GLEE! I know its kinda slow of me to watch this series like recently but hey! I finished within like 4 days? I finished both season 1 and 2 in 4 days i guess~ ^^
Noticed Glee ever since it was out but didn't get the chance to catch it AND i didn't know it was THAT good.
And since i am currently unemployed and Seng recommend Glee to me and telling me how good it is, so i thought i should give it a try~
Little did i expect.. IT IS THAT GOOD!
I mean the songs are like amazing but its the storyline that attracted me the most. How inspiring that Glee is! Talking bout Bullies in high school and getting popular etc..
I am not sure bout Singapore's high school is that extreme or not. But I am sure that I HAD a hell life during my high school..
Getting bullied every single day, don't wish to go to school and how dreadful it was for me to just think of school. I was teased, people calling me names. Told me how fat and ugly i was and it was really devastating.
To most of the people out there, they could just tell you how GREAT high school was for them. But when it comes to my time during high school, i couldn't tell people it was great for me.
And whats so inspiring is that one of the cast in Glee ACTUALLY gone through that during high school, managed to act it out on Glee and inspired people.
To teens who got bullied in school , Stand up for yourself! Whether is it just words bullying or physical bullying, its zero tolerance for that!! And i honestly regretted that i did not stand up for myself back then, because i know i don't deserve that!
This is kinda of like my first time talking bout my high school because its not a pleasant one so i rather not share with you guys, but i guess its okay for me to talk bout it now because who knows that a girl or a boy who happens to read my blog and I just managed to get the message to them, and they might just finally get through whatever that they are having in school.
=) Who knows right?
Of course, Glee is really funny, amazing, cute and its mainly all about Acceptance i guess~
Acceptance is a easy word to read and say but when it comes to life. Its always difficult to get acceptance by people.
I know people would always say "screw those people who don't accept who i am, because this is who i am!"
Ya, i totally agree with that sentance because screw them! They dont know you and it doesn't matter if they accept u or not!
Acceptance is important that YOU accept yourself and love yourself for who you are! Its also important that Family accept for who you are as well!
But seriously! How many of us can ACTUALLY do that! Like really, accept for who you are and love everything bout yourself. Quite few i would say.
Its not easy to do it but yet again, its not that difficult to do so! So people, just :
Be yourself! Love yourself and lastly Accept yourself!
so you can be happier than EVER! =)
One more thing bout Glee club that i am really addicted to was.... KURT HUMMEL! The cast that i talked bout that he was being bullied during high school! He is the one that inspires me a lot in Glee! =)
And yes, HE IS GAY! ^^
On the left side is Darren Criss played as Blaine and on the right side is Chris colfer played as Kurt Hummel in Glee~
Darren is a real life straight guy and Chris is a real life Gay~
But who cares! They are both so cute in GLEE!! I LOVE THEM!!
Talking bout Gays, I once blogged bout Gays which i guess was like 2 years ago? I love gays!
I am straight but i find gays are sooo cute!! =) Because i have a very close gay friend and he is just my great friend and i love him for who he is! He dont have to be someone who he is not and i envy that point of him!
People STILL find it hard to accept gays even now! Because they just think thats wrong of nature or something like that..
But seriously.. Whats wrong???
So anyways~~ I am now a fan of Chris Colfer~ and a official fan of Klaine!! That's like Kurt + Blaine~~ haha~
I know its just a very random blog post bout Glee, like a crazy fan girl but my point is made and thats Acceptance! Of course, STOP BULLYING!!
Okay, some updates bout me..
I am gonna start a new job on this coming Monday~ Just another regular admin job..
Someday i just wish that i could say "I LOVE my job!" Just hopefully i can..
Mum and Dad were out of town for a week and i was hoping that i can go out partying or staying out late, but apparently, i was good enough to stay at home. Well, mainly because i haven't recover yet.. so i didn't have much energy to spend outdoors..
But i wish my life is more interesting though.. Oh well.. That's all for now~ Shall blog pretty soon if I have any updates in life~ See ya!! ^^