Yes people! I am addicted to GLEE! I know its kinda slow of me to watch this series like recently but hey! I finished within like 4 days? I finished both season 1 and 2 in 4 days i guess~ ^^
Noticed Glee ever since it was out but didn't get the chance to catch it AND i didn't know it was THAT good.
And since i am currently unemployed and Seng recommend Glee to me and telling me how good it is, so i thought i should give it a try~
Little did i expect.. IT IS THAT GOOD!
I mean the songs are like amazing but its the storyline that attracted me the most. How inspiring that Glee is! Talking bout Bullies in high school and getting popular etc..
I am not sure bout Singapore's high school is that extreme or not. But I am sure that I HAD a hell life during my high school..
Getting bullied every single day, don't wish to go to school and how dreadful it was for me to just think of school. I was teased, people calling me names. Told me how fat and ugly i was and it was really devastating.
To most of the people out there, they could just tell you how GREAT high school was for them. But when it comes to my time during high school, i couldn't tell people it was great for me.
And whats so inspiring is that one of the cast in Glee ACTUALLY gone through that during high school, managed to act it out on Glee and inspired people.
To teens who got bullied in school , Stand up for yourself! Whether is it just words bullying or physical bullying, its zero tolerance for that!! And i honestly regretted that i did not stand up for myself back then, because i know i don't deserve that!
This is kinda of like my first time talking bout my high school because its not a pleasant one so i rather not share with you guys, but i guess its okay for me to talk bout it now because who knows that a girl or a boy who happens to read my blog and I just managed to get the message to them, and they might just finally get through whatever that they are having in school.
=) Who knows right?
Of course, Glee is really funny, amazing, cute and its mainly all about Acceptance i guess~
Acceptance is a easy word to read and say but when it comes to life. Its always difficult to get acceptance by people.
I know people would always say "screw those people who don't accept who i am, because this is who i am!"
Ya, i totally agree with that sentance because screw them! They dont know you and it doesn't matter if they accept u or not!
Acceptance is important that YOU accept yourself and love yourself for who you are! Its also important that Family accept for who you are as well!
But seriously! How many of us can ACTUALLY do that! Like really, accept for who you are and love everything bout yourself. Quite few i would say.
Its not easy to do it but yet again, its not that difficult to do so! So people, just :
Be yourself! Love yourself and lastly Accept yourself!
so you can be happier than EVER! =)
One more thing bout Glee club that i am really addicted to was.... KURT HUMMEL! The cast that i talked bout that he was being bullied during high school! He is the one that inspires me a lot in Glee! =)

On the left side is Darren Criss played as Blaine and on the right side is Chris colfer played as Kurt Hummel in Glee~
Darren is a real life straight guy and Chris is a real life Gay~
But who cares! They are both so cute in GLEE!! I LOVE THEM!!
Talking bout Gays, I once blogged bout Gays which i guess was like 2 years ago? I love gays!
I am straight but i find gays are sooo cute!! =) Because i have a very close gay friend and he is just my great friend and i love him for who he is! He dont have to be someone who he is not and i envy that point of him!
People STILL find it hard to accept gays even now! Because they just think thats wrong of nature or something like that..
But seriously.. Whats wrong???
So anyways~~ I am now a fan of Chris Colfer~ and a official fan of Klaine!! That's like Kurt + Blaine~~ haha~
I know its just a very random blog post bout Glee, like a crazy fan girl but my point is made and thats Acceptance! Of course, STOP BULLYING!!
Okay, some updates bout me..
I am gonna start a new job on this coming Monday~ Just another regular admin job..
Someday i just wish that i could say "I LOVE my job!" Just hopefully i can..
Mum and Dad were out of town for a week and i was hoping that i can go out partying or staying out late, but apparently, i was good enough to stay at home. Well, mainly because i haven't recover yet.. so i didn't have much energy to spend outdoors..
But i wish my life is more interesting though.. Oh well.. That's all for now~ Shall blog pretty soon if I have any updates in life~ See ya!! ^^
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