That's right! We had a new family member in the house~ At first I wanna keep it a secret first because we weren't sure if we can handle a new member. But Sis said she is very sure that she want this dog~ So we are keeping her~ =)
We adopted her on the 16 April. It was all very sudden..
On 15 April, Mum called and asked if we wanted a new dog from her friend's sister.. Which was a female poodle, 2 years old.
According to this Sister, she bought her because she thought poodle was cute while watching tv, so she bought it over 3000 dollars.. Heard that it was imported from Taiwan. The dog is being up for adoption because her daughter is pregnant now, so they didn't have the time to take care of a dog..
So this dog has nowhere to go, so we decided to adopt her..
I rushed back home right after work on Monday and I was SHOCKED the moment I saw her..
The dog looking like this..
By the way, this poodle's previous owner is filthy rich.
By looking at this dog, would you believe that she HAD a owner?
She was very dirty, smelly, her fur was badly matted.. and VERY VERY SKINNY. She was all skin and bones, I am not kidding at all.. Whats worse, she was caged up.. So she didnt have any freedom at all.
I felt so angry and sad at the same time, because they neglected her. If you buy a dog just because you saw them all cute and cuddly on TV without thinking how much responsibilities you need to give. Then you are so uneducated ! Its so obvious right??
Taking care of a dog is just like taking care of a baby!
They can be oh so cute at times, but u needa feed them, clean them, clear their pee and poo, take them to the vet, grooming etc etc..
The next day I took leave and brought her to the nearest groomer because my own pet groomer couldn't handle her due to too last minute..
So we had to bring her to Jurong point's pet station to groom her..

She got no choice but to be shaved.. Now we can see where are her eyes and ears.. So neat and clean!
It was no surprise to see her in such a state, skin and bones..
Its a good thing that she managed to be really hyper, hungry and playful..
Sis named her Coco~ =)
Coco can be pain in the ass at times, we had her for 2 weeks now, so Cookie is slowly getting use to her presence in the house, they can "fight" at times, but ya, Cookie is trying to accept her~
Because she can be REALLY cunning at times.. She will act all cute with teary eyes and asked you to protect her.. She can be really sweet at times..
Still trying to get to know each other~
My baby! Boss in the house yo! =D
Her signature look~ =D
It looks like she is smiling right?
Coco in her new "room" , she sleeps in it with her cushion and blanket ~
She cant sleep with us yet because she is still unsure bout paper training, so we dont want her on the bed~
She is a lap dog, unlike Cookie and Cherie, she enjoys sleeping and sitting on our laps~
Hopefully we can handle all 3 of them well ~ =)
Welcome to the family Coco~ We can be really strict and mean to you at times but its all for your own good~ =) We LOVE ALL OUR PETS! =)