Let me share some beautiful pictures before i blog okay?~ =D
I was "screaming" away when i saw this picture~ Aint them beautiful! Both the human and dog of course~~ lol~ The CM is really cute too~ =)
Okay, these are the 2 beautiful pictures i wanna share~ hehe~
Let's see~ This might be my last post OR last few posts, i might blog more or i might not~ It's not gonna be a long one (I think) , because i am lazy to think of anything to blog~ I'll type as much as possible (I hope~)
Work was not as stressful as i expected it to be~ Still going well, handed over my work to my colleagues, hope they can handle well while i am gone~
Its been a long wait and FINALLY!! 3 More days to go!! And i will be OUT OF HERE!!! =D Its been 2 years since i took a plane~ Yeah! Exactly two years! And its my first time being away from home for so many days!! I am so excited bout it~ Not that i wont miss home but its a grear experience right~~
I still have not change my money to Taiwan Currency, have not pack my luggage, bought my sandals AND some amenities.. So many things to do! But oh well~~ I shall do it tomorrow AND Monday~ So i can feel that i am going off soon~~~ hahaha!!
A few weeks ago, i bought luggage tags for Laopo and Wan Chin~ Of course myself too~
That's why i asked what's their favorite character in Disney~ =)
Tadah~~ Ain't it cute?! =)
MINE~~ I love Ariel~ Still my favorite character~ =)
Oh yes, before i forgot to sign off.. To those haters out there, if you want to comment something nasty bout my blog post, please use some common sense! At the very least, do comment something that i know what the fuck you are talking about, and not just comment something that it doesn't make any sense at all?! Geez..
This comment was commented like yesterday or something on my latest blog post, and this is what He/She posted : "Don't teach your grandmother to suck eggs. "
Seriously!! What the fuck are you trying to say?! Guys, please tell me if i am stupid or what, but i seriously do not know what the hell is he/she talking bout.. =.= Ya, when i read this, you should see my expression.. Like HUH?! =.=
And another one, He/She commented on this blog post :
Obviously, that post was about friendship, mainly talking about getting back with Ancherle and stuff like that, and He/She just commented : STAY AWAY FROM HER
Okay.. Really?! You think so? I am not obliged to listen to everything you said or comment you know? And be smart, before commenting anything, i will always be there to moderate them first before publishing.. So too bad for you haters out there who wanna comment.. =)
I dont think the person who commented is Ancherle's Girlfriend, because i hope u guys do know, i gave you full support of you are now~ I sincerely wish you happiness~ And i think Chad (Ancherle's girlfriend) knows that, so it's not her! (I hope~ =X )
As i am blogging now, i am super pissed because of work.. These people just take things granted like as if i am their slave or something.. I know I HAD to tolerate because i dont wanna get reprimanded because of these kind of people! Seriously! Sometimes i had enough that i really wanna give up! When i am this line, i seriously do see the ugliness of people everywhere! Its making me sick and tired of facing people already! =.=
Okay, just wanna rant a lil so i can release my stress a lil.. Till then!
Been really lazy these past few weeks, basically I am out of money to hang out with my friends and i am so lazy to do anything.. Simply passing my time and hoping that 3 May can come real soon. Been spacing out and thinking bout our trip, hoping that it'll be a good one and everything goes smoothly as plan. NO RAIN, NO DELAY AND NO PERIOD! oh well, i am not really worried bout my period but still hoping that its not coming while i am enjoying my trip. Because will never know when it come! >.<
Like i said, work has been quite a slack for me for April BUT from tomorrow onwards, its gonna be stressful because Boss came in yesterday and was talking bout this project that he wants me and GM to work on.. Which is quite a big one and a hassle one too.. ahhh! Why does it has to happen before i fly?! Cant it wait till i am back or something? I seriously hate to think about work while i am enjoying ! Especially when one is at overseas and cant do anything bout it..
Just hope i can cope before i fly though..
Alright, i am just blogging right now because i am bored ! And like i said, i am too lazy to do anything.. I am gonna watch Inception later when mum is out for her exercise session! =D
That's about all now~ See ya! =D
A Magazine shoot and he showed around his clean house~ =)
Didnt hang out much these days because i am officially broke unless i am out having dinner with family~ Been secretly waiting to knock off during work, hoping that the time could pass faster and i can rush home and rest! Currently i am starting my Anime Marathon once again~ haha!
Been watching Naruto Shippuden~ I used to watch it but because i find it too draggy? So i "quit" watching it after 2 or 3 years, can't remember.. But out of a sudden, i just felt like watching it again, wanted to know what happen and so~ =)
Work has been ridiculously boring, because work load cut down a lot.. So i am like super free, and laziness eats me up slowly.. geez.. oh well~ Just 1 more week and i am outta Singapore!! =D

On 21st April, Park Bom Released a Digital Single song~ "Don't Cry" , the song is so good that just less than 24 hours after YG released her song online, she got number 1 in most of the music charts!!! I am totally so proud of myself being a Blackjack! =)
The song is really good that i kept replaying non stop and of course the credit gotta go to Teddy Oppa for creating such a wonderful song! He is genius! Because 2NE1's songs are mostly from Teddy, or should i say, all from Teddy? And seriously their songs never fail to surprise me ! =)
Its a great song, you guys should check it out ! =)
Familigia Group picture when we went for Kbox last 2 weeks ago~ =) Hope the next time, all could make it? =)
Oh yes, i mentioned that i am leaving Singapore in 1 week time right?
And ya know what, my mum was so sweet that she bought me medicated oil, pills for unwell stomach and toothpaste last 2 days ago! haha! I was going to buy when the time is near but oh well~ Since she bought it for me, i dont have to buy then~ hehe~
And and! I have been wanting a very nice passport holder since i dont know when, i know Elynn bought me a passport cover, but while i went shopping with mum last 2 days ago, i just saw lots of passport holders which i cant help myself to take a look..
The thing was, i found a passport holder that i really like! Asked mum to buy it for me~ Even though its not pink, but because i like its' graphic and the words stated on it~ So ya~ Cost mum S$21.90 ! LOL!! Thanks mum!
The outer look~ Stated Life Is A Beautiful Journey~ Reminds me that i will make every trip overseas a beautiful journey, a memorable one ~ =)
The Inner look! =)
I simply cant wait to pack my luggage and fly off soon!! =) Hoping that everything will go well! Going and coming back safely ~ =) That's all now! Till next time peeps! =)
A picture of me~ Its been quite a while since i took a picture of myself~ hehe~ So here it is~
Okays, i was suppose to blog bout my Kbox session with Familigia last week, BUT i was waiting for pictures from Kelvin and in the end, i still gotta wait for the pictures, oh well.. So i shall wait no more and start blogging already~
Anyways, I skipped work last week, opps~ Shall not defend myself with excuses ~ I am plain lazy and shagged that day so i skipped..
Met up with Seng @ Takashimaya, he seriously made my life difficult! He knew where the hell is Kinokuniya, still wants me to walk around like one mad woman! Before we headed to Kino~ We went for our lunch at the basement~ Japanese food!
Its really nice~ Just that its a bit salty?
But the rice is really nice~ =) Treated Seng for this ~ He joked saying that he needs to get someone to test the radiation of the food or something.. Crazy fellow! LOL!
We went to Kino~ Did our research and we were sitting at the shelves, looking at books and choosing which book is useful for us~ And we got one~ Its just nice that Sherline wanted that book as well~ aha~ Lucky! =)
Headed to Scape and while waiting for the others, we played at the Arcade~
Seen this thing before ? Its my first time seeing it so i have no idea what is it.. But its something like Pool and Bowling combining together~ Seng got addicted to it..
Others reached and we had some hassle getting in.. Long story, i dont bother to blog it out, their service just SUCKS! I was kinda pissed at that time but still had fun ~ =)
Had fun with them~ Too bad not all of them are here~ But still, had loads of fun~
Talking bout work life, its nothing much and i keep dozing off during work.. Oh well, for now, i am kinda sick and tired of my life, because nothing turns out well, for work and for relationship..The only thing that i am looking forward to is my Taiwan trip, i seriously hope nothing is gonna happen!! I need a good and nice break! Alright~ That's all now~ Bye!
I guess many people would say at times that they rather stay in their dream and never wake up, because when you wake up, everything nice in it will turn out to be horror? Okay, not to extend that its horrifying but ya know..Not the way you wanted your life to be ?
Every time when i was having a very great dream that i was so happy in it, wanted my life to be this way, everything was just perfect. But SNAP, you woke up and found out that "damn, thats only a dream.." Sometimes dream gives you happy feelings that you are supposed to be happy when you wake up, and with a happy mood throughout the day.. But for me, it isn't this case.
Because i was so happy in my dream and everything was so perfect that i do not wanna wake up!
And by the time i woke up, i felt so disappointed.. Well, because my life isn't as happy as it is in my dream..
On many occasions, i would wake up crying so hard because i had nightmares, and it felt so real! Seriously, its so real that when i woke up, i would feel so sad.. For example, i dreamt that my mum died, about Choco (My first dog) etc etc.. Sometimes even minor things that i don't remember, but all i know was, i was so sad and miserable..
I had a great dream last night, first time describing my dream in public, whenever i dream of my "lover" , i wouldnt tell anyone, let alone blogging about it.. But this time is different, it felt so real that i will never forget..
Well, i dreamt that we were shopping together, with some close friends of course.. I know i was in love with him and i dont know if he did too.. But anyways, we were kinda loving, we werent really together, just holding hands and hugging each other, because people~ I LOVE HUGS! I really do~ I love hugging people~ =) So anyways, i was so in love with him that i kept hugging him~ So while our friends were shopping, we will spend some time together alone and just hugged, nothing but hug, to me its meaningful. Because sometimes that kind of actions just showed love, no talks, just hugs~ Ya know what i am saying?
So anyways, we were at counter again and i told him :
Me : I like you, do you? You never told me you like me..
Him : I do (Very soft voice and not in a proper manner)
Me : I cant hear you...
Him : I do (Maybe raising his voice for a lil)
Me : I still cant hear you..
Him: I DO! I LIKE YOU! (In a loud voice now, and smiling away~)
It gave me a deep impression of this scene because this is how he would act in real person sometimes~ aha~
And after hanging out for awhile and SNAP! I woke up again..
Yet again, disappointed.
People~ Please dont ask me who is this person because i will never enclose this kind of information to you, i am already brave enough to even blog it out~ So ya~ I am not a very expressive person when it comes to Boy girl relationship. I always kept it to myself..
People around keep telling me to go out and know more guys because they know how bad i wanna find that guy in my life, but i just cant bring myself to do it, firstly, i am afraid of strangers.. secondly, i am just scared.. Because i know NUTS about this sort of stuff..
Anyways, i just wanna express bout how i feel right now.. ya know.. this blog is always bout my life, about how was i doing and sort of stuff, just feel like blogging something with my inner self.. That's all now~ Till then! =)
Their Endorsement for Nikon~ The YG Family are endorsing for Nikon~ COOL~~ YG! Family Family Family~~ A Shot a Day! =)
Yes!!! I am very excited and happy!!!! I can't wait to get my hands on the tickets!! What's more? Big Bang is coming too~ AGAIN!! =D So... I CANT WAIT! I seriously hope i can get the seats i want! Within my budget of course~ Getting my Sister to go with me! If not, i'll be alone.. Anyways, hope when they release the tickets, its more systematic and in order! Not like the previous time which was a CHAOS! =.= It's better to get it online ! No overcrowding, causing human traffic!
Okays, as i was saying, IT'S APRIL PEOPLE!!

YES! And it means, its gonna be MAY!! =D
I can't wait!! I am already started planning for our Itinerary~ Like i said, let's hope everything goes well as planned! =)
Will post up our Itinerary as soon as i am done and of course with Laopo and Chin's approval~ Once they are okay with my itinerary, i guess i will post up to let you guys take a look!
Met up with Sherline sweetie for dinner, treated her as i promised~ Its a humble dinner, hope she don't mind~ =) We talked bout our future, met up with Seng and talked bout it as well~ Well, let's hope everything goes well can work out~
I can't reveal what is it that we are planning though, i hope i can bring the good news by this year or latest by next year! =)
We had lots of fun and passion bout this we are gonna do, even if it didn't work out like the way we want it to be. I keep telling myself not to give up! We will try till we get it right! Because this is what we wanted, at least i know, i want this badly... =)
I have not officially introduce this guy in my blog i guess? LOL!!
He is my sister's new boyfriend, Vincent as well.. Feel kinda weird at first but now its still okay~ Nice , funny, a lil too over confident guy! LOL! But overall, he's cool..
Met up with sis and him @ Vivocity for dinner last night at Kim Gary~
3 of us ordered Curry rice! HAHAHA!
I had no idea what did i eat, i am feeling unwell now.. My tummy is giving me problems AGAIN! =.= HATE IT ! So i am on unpaid leave today.. Don't wish to spend money on Doctor because of this weak tummy, because i know, it will be gone within two days.. I had worse before.. Still remember how it hits me the last time i had it! Cant even walk.. =.=
My new book from my FAVORITE AUTHOR! =) Bought it at 10 bucks @ Somerset 313's HMV! 2 books for 20 bucks, so i bought it together with Sherline~
I just bought it like 5 days ago? And now, i am gonna finish the book soon! I am not trying to show how fast i read, its just that, its soooo interesting and good that i cant take my eyes off the book and i tend to read faster!! Another thing was, the book is kinda thin for me, so i guess i read faster that way.. It's been a long time since i read and i have been wanting to get this good habit of mine to be back.. But my laziness eats me up! =.=
Oh well..
About work.. Been managing quite okay, not much of a problem these days ONLY.. Sometimes i really feels like quitting but my lady boss keeps me going, because she is really nice.. And her daughter as well, treats me as her playmate! LOL!
Okay~ That's all now! Shall update more tomorrow! K-Box with Familigia!! <3