Yes!!! I am very excited and happy!!!! I can't wait to get my hands on the tickets!! What's more? Big Bang is coming too~ AGAIN!! =D So... I CANT WAIT! I seriously hope i can get the seats i want! Within my budget of course~ Getting my Sister to go with me! If not, i'll be alone.. Anyways, hope when they release the tickets, its more systematic and in order! Not like the previous time which was a CHAOS! =.= It's better to get it online ! No overcrowding, causing human traffic!
Okays, as i was saying, IT'S APRIL PEOPLE!!
YES! And it means, its gonna be MAY!! =D
I can't wait!! I am already started planning for our Itinerary~ Like i said, let's hope everything goes well as planned! =)
Will post up our Itinerary as soon as i am done and of course with Laopo and Chin's approval~ Once they are okay with my itinerary, i guess i will post up to let you guys take a look!
I can't reveal what is it that we are planning though, i hope i can bring the good news by this year or latest by next year! =)
We had lots of fun and passion bout this we are gonna do, even if it didn't work out like the way we want it to be. I keep telling myself not to give up! We will try till we get it right! Because this is what we wanted, at least i know, i want this badly... =)
He is my sister's new boyfriend, Vincent as well.. Feel kinda weird at first but now its still okay~ Nice , funny, a lil too over confident guy! LOL! But overall, he's cool..
Met up with sis and him @ Vivocity for dinner last night at Kim Gary~
I had no idea what did i eat, i am feeling unwell now.. My tummy is giving me problems AGAIN! =.= HATE IT ! So i am on unpaid leave today.. Don't wish to spend money on Doctor because of this weak tummy, because i know, it will be gone within two days.. I had worse before.. Still remember how it hits me the last time i had it! Cant even walk.. =.=
I just bought it like 5 days ago? And now, i am gonna finish the book soon! I am not trying to show how fast i read, its just that, its soooo interesting and good that i cant take my eyes off the book and i tend to read faster!! Another thing was, the book is kinda thin for me, so i guess i read faster that way.. It's been a long time since i read and i have been wanting to get this good habit of mine to be back.. But my laziness eats me up! =.=
Oh well..
About work.. Been managing quite okay, not much of a problem these days ONLY.. Sometimes i really feels like quitting but my lady boss keeps me going, because she is really nice.. And her daughter as well, treats me as her playmate! LOL!
Okay~ That's all now! Shall update more tomorrow! K-Box with Familigia!! <3
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