I know this is a very late greetings BUT I am gonna say it anyway, Happy Mid-Autumn Day to everyone!! ^^
I know this is like one week later to give my greetings but at least i am still sincere enough to do it right???? hahaha!!
I can still remember when i was young, i would ALWAYS look forward to this day every year, till last 2 to 3 years ago? When we were young (when we were still staying at Bukit panjang) , our parents would bring us to the mountain side with their friends.
We would have our mooncakes, tea, candles and lanterns there~ While looking at the moon~~ ^^
To others who don't understand this day might think its a bit stupid.. But to us, it means gathering with family and friends~ Something like Reunite ~ ^^ So its always been very meaningful to me every year~
Till we have grown bigger, all we did was to eat mooncakes and that's it~ Because everyone has their own busy life and we are like adults now.. So we wouldn't go around carrying a lantern with us and play candles~~ I can still remember how we would use to play with FIRE! haha! Like campfire~
Trying to make it BIG! hahaha! We were like stupid kids! Not scared of anything.. But till this very day, i still see kids do that! And i would be like, Wow, so i used to be this childish and fearless! =X
Hopefully as and when we grow older, we would gather on this very day and have some fun~ Just to catch up with each other and so on.
This is a traditional day that i think we should all follow, if not.. This tradition might just die off.. Which i don't think so~ Just hope that next year i am able to gather my friends and family together ~ ^^
As i mentioned on my previous posts.. I found a job recently BUT after 3 days of working, i decided to resign.. This is like the FIRST time in my life doing this! HAHA!!
Why do i resign u say? Its not that i can't adapt this kind of life because i can go jobless even longer in the past.. so its not about environment..
Its just I felt that working there was REALLY stressful! Esp when you have to face superiors who are full of "stunts" , for example.. You can't use your mobile phone while working, not even SMS, whenever you go the washroom.. they will secretly count how many times you went and how long you are gonna take..
Because they think that you are using your phone secretly.. T.T So this is why i dont think i can take it, because with this kind of rules and regulations is kinda ridiculous..
What if i have something urgent going on at home and I cant even pick up my mobile phone?
So i rather leave the place and find something better than this.. It is really too much for me to handle, i can feel that tension between staff and superiors.. Its only the second day and i can already see and sense that very serious politics going on! T.T
Hopefully i can find something better~~ ^^
Brought Cherie to vet for her sterilization surgery yesterday~ Took a cab and pick jie up first and together we went to the vet, Cherie was shaking like one kind! T.T
Jie brought Wawa to vet because of her skin irritation.. Hope Wawa gets well soon too~!
Went to Jie's house after that to slack~ Mum kept calling because she was VERY worried bout Cherie.. After mum finished her work, she came to Choa chu kang to meet me, i went to pick her up and went to jie's house~ Fk came too~ Had dinner and chit chatted ~~ ^^
Headed to pick Cherie up at 8pm.. She was super drowsy..
Jie last minute called me and we went clubbing~~ Mum kinda disagreed to it and nagged at me like hell.. But i didnt care because i NEED to DE-STRESS!!!! T.T
Went to Club trustz and we stayed like 30 minutes? Jie came in and suddenly broke down in front of me.. I got panicky because its the first time i see her being this way..
So she told me what happened and so on, i got so freaking angry.But i just kept my mouth shut..
Now, whatever i do or say, i have to be very careful.. Its not because i am scared but because i have to think of the consequences.. After comforting jie, we had supper and headed to Club D which is at Cuppage plaza~~ So nice! ME LIKE!! ^^
Guys there can sing and dance so well! We even got to see a special show~ So damn high!! ^^
After staying there like 3 hours? We went to the club which was in the same building as club D.. I got tired already.. So staying for like 20 minutes? Me and jie went back home~ I had fun with Anna jie, Fk and Nikko~ ^^ Thanks jie for everything!
That bitch is getting TOO MUCH! Please! Go get a pail, PEE inside and LOOK AT YOURSELF IN IT!! Before you insult people, just look at yourself!! Don't just go around and find guys and think that you are amazing and oh so gorgeous! *PUKE!* Its too much that when someone is being super nice to you and you turn your back on her!
FUCK OFF BITCH!! Stop claiming *things* that's yours when *they* don't belong to you at all!!!
You are just plain JEALOUS of what others have and you don't ! Stop being such a bitch and go around doing things that you think we dont know! The more you do it, the more people will know what kind of person you are!
I am a type of person who do not like to insult people on their appearance BUT her!!
She has a round, flat face.. Saggy boobs, fats on her hands,stomach.. Always LOVE to wear low cut tops and think she is soooo sexy! *PUKE* Small, creepy eyes.. BIG NOSE.. curly short hair like maggie mee, rough skin and very disgusting voice! Despite her appearance, she thinks she is so gorgeous that guys would go flocking to her.. PLEASE!! T.T
If only her character is good THEN I WILL NOT INSULT on her appearance.. Because i know i have no right, But because of her ugly inner-self, she can NEVER be attractive on the outside!!!
What i wanna say is, whatever a person is doing, someone is ALWAYS there WATCHING your every moves! What goes around comes around and its just a matter of time!! Its not coming to you YET doesnt mean it won't come! It WILL! But because GOD would like to see what else you can do! So they just wanna wait slowly and make you pay at the end!
Yes, Bad guys always die at the very end.. Its because they are coward and because they always die last, thats why its more PAINFUL for them!
I am really pissed off because she just ignore how jie treated her and turn her back on jie!
She will get what she deserves! I shall just wait and see..
I know i have been saying that i DO NOT Want to blog her anymore BUT i just can't let it go! I am too pissed off with her! Going around insulting and criticizing people! Whats worse! She is insulting jie when jie just let her off again AND AGAIN! When jie is being nice to her, she didnt appreciate it and bites her back!
One sentence for her..
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