Yes guys, you got that right! I am NOT gonna write a poem for her because that ain't right and i admit that i do not know how to write a poem~So just a long blog post just dedicated to her and of course i need a space to RANT! This blog post is gonna be LONG so if you think you can't handle it, seriously, i dont blame y'all~ Just leave this page~
I shall just start from the very beginning~
I knew her since i dont know when on a dog forum and of course i was very young back then, i started to socialise with net people because at that time, i had Cookie ,so i need information from internet. So i randomly found this website called doggiesite, you can search in google. It was a good and entertaining forum that i logged in every single day, because i thought the people there were like nice and kind enough to give you advice on how to take good care of your dogs.
I do not remember how i know her, but in last year, we started to contact each other. And of course SHE contacted me first, i was not so close with her because ya know, gotta be careful with strangers still right? So yea.. We added each other on Facebook and started to exchange contact number.. We were not close and she started to call me "Sis" , i was like "what?" , lets put that aside because i dont really mind if she called me sis or whatsoever..
By the way, i have no idea how bad her reputation was in that forum because i just wanna learn bout dogs and thats all, who cares bout all those gossips. Of course i knew some BIG gossips and things happened going on in that forum but i am just a regular audience who dont give a shit bout their stuff..
So anyways, she called me a few times and talked bout her case with this lady who was also a member in that forum. Just because i only read a few threads bout this person, she wanted me to be her withness in the court! Come on! Seriously?! You really think so? At that moment i already knew that something was not right but i didnt really care because i told her off straight in the face that i wont be her withness. ITS NONE OF MY FREAKING BUSINESS!
I told no one at all.. Because i rejected her so she didnt bother me bout that anymore, she asked me out for dinner a few times last year but i didnt make it, its either i was too tired from work or i was too tired to entertain anybody!
Till this year May, after i came back from my Taiwan trip. I decided to meet her up to go clubbing, guys! It is so damn obvious who i was talking bout right? Because the only club that i went right after my trip was club trustz~ She started telling me bout Jie who was also a member from that forum, telling me how Jie avoided her, and stuff like she cared bout jie so much that she was soooo freaking stress that she needs to go clubbing~
She told me to lie to jie that we knew each other from the club and act like i do not know anything bout the forum..So i was like, okay.. Since i dont know her too, so its okay~Because i believed her back then that she was soo good to jie.. Little did she know, i got so close with jie and i would know what a person she is ! Also, she asked me to be her garantor for her bank loan, she even asked me to use my name to sign a plan to get a iphone4 for a guy who is working in the club!
People! Please tell me.. I HAVE to on my red alert mode right?? It is so obvious that this person is a FRAUD! And still! I didnt confront her! I dont have to, because she is so entertaing during these few months that i wasn't working!
I got so close with jie and she was so jealous! Because jie treated me well and seriously i do not ask anything from jie anyways.. so she was jealous! But she pretended like she is so nice in front of me and keep talking bad things behind my back constantly!!
Like i am a money sucker who is spending off jie's money and pretend that she is so angelic!
T.T , she even told jie that i was fake and called me fat..
Seriously? I was sooo PISSED OFF! But yet, i find it sooooo hilarious!!! Because i was being called fake by a fake person and being called fat by a fat person too! Tell me! How funny can this get?
I was so lucky that she has no idea where i stay! Because if she did, i am sure she will call the AVA and AVA will come knocking at my door ! She even said this " I should have find out where she lived" =.=
See how evil she is? She did all those childish stuff like i never expected a woman who is at her 30 over age ! She commented on facebook to those guys from club trustz like "i am coming down to see you soon with my friend" , she said that she would post this BIG in someone's wallpost that i knew and wanted to show off like, oh, she can go to club trustz and i have nobody to go with me..
Please.. Is this even necessary??
I didnt wanna confront her because i find it so useless because i know that she has been repeatedly doing this basically to everyone who is close to jie and she got so jealous, so she wants to get rid of them.. Now she is trying to get rid of me!
She is basically testing how far my limits can go, and ya know what? Whatever! Because i dont give a SHIT bout you! Say whatever you wanna say and do whatever you wanna do! As long as people around me knows who i am like and that is okay for me!
You are just a person who is ugly not only on the outside but who is also on the inside!
She is the 3rd person who is in my blacklist now..
I can get really nasty if i want to but ya know what, if i get nasty with you.. Its just wasting my time.. Who do you think you are? Think that you are messing around with me? Ha! Ya think i was stupid enough and naive enough to let you do whatever you want? Bitch, open your eyes bigger and see who is stupid!
I know she is gonna spread rumors bout me in the club and stuff like that, but ya know, i dont give a damn.. Really.. Go ahead, and people will see eventually how ugly u are.. I dont have to do anything to prove myself.. Because i just know it, if people who think that i am the way she describes then so be it, so i can be sure that they are not worth my time and effort to be my friend.
I feel so much better after ranting so much~~
At least one good news to announce~ I FOUND A JOB!!! Gonna be busy from next week onwards~~ Income is finally gonna come in~ That's all now~till then guys!
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